What are the most effective medications for back pain?
Researchers have conducted several research reviews into medications for back pain. They found some may be more effective than others.
What are the stages of ankylosing spondylitis?
There are three ankylosing spondylitis stages — early, progressive, and late. As the condition progresses, people tend to experience more pain and stiffness. Getting treatment earlier can help reduce complications.
Predicting brace adherence could change the game in scoliosis treatment
With the addition of built-in sensors that indicate how many hours a brace was worn, two things became clear. One: Despite improvements in brace design, many patients wore their braces far less than they thought or said they did. Two: Patients who wore their braces more had better outcomes.
Back Pain Explained
Not all degenerated intervertebral discs are painful; a new study identified a subset of disc cells that triggers a pathway to pain.
The Pros and Cons of Ultrasound-Guided Injections
Ultrasound-guided injections allow healthcare providers to see the needle in real-time as it enters the body and is injected into a precise spot. Orthopedic surgeons often use injections to treat a variety of conditions. Commonly injected medications include cortisone, local anesthetics, and joint lubricants such as hyaluronic acid.